By Andrew J. Byers

For the writer of the fourth Gospel, there's neither a Christless church nor a churchless Christ. notwithstanding John's Gospel has been extensively understood as ambivalent towards the assumption of 'church', Andrew Byers argues that ecclesiology is as vital a Johannine main issue as Christology. instead of concentrating on the neighborhood at the back of the textual content, John's Gospel directs realization to the imaginative and prescient of group prescribed in the textual content, that is awarded as a 'narrative ecclesiology' wherein the concept that of 'church' steadily unfolds through the Gospel's series. The topic of oneness features inside this script and attracts at the theological language of the Shema, a centerpiece of early Jewish theology and social identification. To be 'one' with this 'one God' and his 'one Shepherd' consists of the believers' company participation in the divine kin. Such participation calls for an ontological transformation that warrants an ecclesial identification expressed by way of the daring statement present in Jesus' quotation of Psalm eighty two: 'you are gods'.

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