By Flwankie Wilco

wonderful experience With net Hunter and Donna Matrix! is a lighthearted yet exciting mini-novel charting the adventures of the superheroes. net Hunter is a down-to-earth guy in his early 40s, who spends a lot of his loose time consuming beer and searching online game. Donna Matrix is an urbane younger lady, fashionably dressed and extra at domestic within the urban than the nice open air. This atypical couple unearths universal flooring of their mutual thirst for justice. utilizing wisdom, highway smarts, high-tech weaponry and instruments, in addition to significant actual prowess, net Hunter and Donna Matrix defend the blameless from the encroachments of evil.

The first internet Hunter and Donna Matrix event, "The path of the expertise Tyrant!" follows the heroes as they conflict the sinister physician Luddite, a megalomaniac bent on global domination via excessive expertise. With braveness, relentless decision, humor and a undeniable measure of goofy attraction, the heroes end up that the machinations of evil are delinquent, nasty, and significantly much less enjoyable than doing good.

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